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Please contact our Global Customer relations office at customercare@volvoforlifecom沃尔沃XC60在售、即将上市车型共有6款, 含有T共1种排量, 有手自一体共1种变速箱选择, 发动机最大功率:1840kW, 最大马力:250PS, 最大扭矩:3500N·m, 车身长宽高:4708×1902×1658mm。 温馨提示:以上数据仅供参考,车型参配以实车为准,如有变动,解释权Enjoy four years* of Google smarts and Volvo enabling tech including Google Assistant, Google Maps and Google Play Volvo Cars app remote services Wireless phone charger All data included *The XC60 is supplied with a four years subscription of the Digital services package
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